
$57AUD $197

Approx. $38USD




$57AUD $197

Approx. $38USD




"You either control your mind or it controls you" - Napoleon Hill

"You either control your mind or it controls you" - Napoleon Hill

 Learn to Manage Your Thoughts and Emotions (for Children)

"Mind Ninja Is The Perfect Solution To Having

Your Child Manage Their Own Emotions,

Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before"

"Mind Ninja Is The Perfect Solution To Having Your Child Manage Their Own Emotions, Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before"

🔊 Click The Video Below For Sound!

Have a teen aged 12-18? click here


"I Will Explain The Simple Strategies That Your Child Can Use Every Day To Manage Their Difficult Thoughts And Feelings Even Before They Happen. This Is My Gift."

What I'm About To Teach Your Child Could Change Your Child's Life Forever

I passionately believe that every child needs the strategies in this course and will be changed forever as a result. Parents often benefit personally from Mind Ninja if they choose to do the program too.

This is what I was born to do.

Scroll down to read some of the hundreds of messages we receive from families every day.

🤩 Mind Ninja consists of 8 online video tutorials with activities, available on demand at any time. 15 minutes after registration, you will receive your access link via email.

Introducing Mind Ninja Online

🤩 Mind Ninja online is my entire program which teaches children: how special they are and how to manage their difficult thoughts and redirect them.

😀 It teaches children to focus on the present moment, rather than being obsessed with the past or worrying about future events. Mind Ninja also gives children a memorable formula to use when things go wrong which will work EVERY TIME. 

😀 I teach them that if something goes wrong, they have 3 choices. They can leave the situation, accept the situation or change the situation. Mind Ninja is fun and addresses issues including the fact that sometimes you are upset and you feel like you will NEVER be happy again but that you MUST remember to HANG ON...because it WILL BE OVER SOON! We ALL need to remember that.

Parents: Does your Child...

  • Show signs of Anxiety
  • ​​Get upset at the drop of a hat
  • ​Have explosive anger
  • Display challenging behaviour
  • Experience constant meltdowns 
  • ​Have negative self-talk
  • ​Find social situations hard
  • Need a huge confidence boost, or
  • Worry about upcoming events
  • ​Often blame others

What can Mind Ninja do for your child...

"I Will Explain The Simple Strategies That Your Child Can Use Every Day To Manage Their Difficult Thoughts And Feelings Even Before They Happen. This Is My Gift."

  • Mind Management: Children learn to manage the unhelpful thoughts that they have and redirect them in a more positive direction. When it comes to negative thought patterns, we need to stop them before they get worse.
  • Resilience: Your child will learn an easy plan for what to do when something goes wrong - instead of getting instantly upset.
  • Reduced Anxiety: Mind Ninja = Anxiety Busting! Kids learn why they feel anxious and how to knock it on the head. :)
  • Self-Worth: We teach children that they are unbelievably special. Why is it unbelievable?…because there is only one of them in the entire universe.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Learning to identify the feeling they have and exactly how to manage each emotion is one of our main Mind Ninja lessons. 
  • Focus: What you think about, you bring about. Children learn to focus on the positive aspects of their life.
  • ​Confidence: Children go from feeling 'nervous to leave parents' to confidently participating in their life.

A Sneak Peek To What Other People Are Saying

As Featured on GWN7 News

Mind Ninja: What Are Teachers Saying?

Mind Ninja teaches

simple strategies for dealing with anxiety, anger and challenging situations.

So, How Do You Help Your Gorgeous Child Overcome Excessive Anxiety, Anger Or Sadness??

I Can Help.
 I'm Joelene Lavrick,
 B.A (Psych), GradDipEd

I have taught over 30 thousand children how to interrupt negative thoughts and emotions like anxiety, anger and sadness with outstanding feedback from parents (scroll down for the reviews). I can teach your child in my Mind Ninja online course!

I have a B.A in Psychology and was a teacher for 20 years with my main passion ALWAYS being to make sure that children knew how special they were and that they KNEW that how they feel MATTERS.

After struggling for 35 years of my own life with horrible feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness and low confidence; I discovered that it didn't have to be that way. There is a better way and I can teach the exact strategies to your child in Mind Ninja.

My program is now being used in 141 countries, has been featured in several television, podcast and radio broadcasts, as well as reaching the semi-finals in the Curtin University, Teaching Excellence Awards in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

I have held workshops for thousands of children, parents and educators with astounding feedback from participants.

Mind Ninja has also been very effective for children on the Autism Spectrum, helping children to reframe thoughts when feeling anxious and helping them to challenge some of the rigidity in thinking patterns. 

A sneak peek to what is inside the course
Module 2: Thought Catch

Sometimes Children Seem Programmed Not To Listen 
 To Their Parents...

👪  "It's the parents' job to teach children to manage emotions and be resilient"...that was a comment I once received on a facebook post BUT I don't completely believe that is true...because kids often do not listen to their parents on these matters. My own daughter listens to her teacher way more seriously than she listens to me, so we need help with these things.

🚸 Mind Ninja will teach your child the value of who they are and how to deal with the hard times in life, whether they are finding school work difficult or other children are being nasty at school (or maybe it's their own self doubting thoughts that need to be improved using Mind Ninja).

Children doubt themselves so much as they get older and even though, as parents, we do tell our kids how special they are and how to cope with difficult situations; it's not always easy to get our own children to listen to our advice (even when it's REALLLLLY good advice). Children can grow up to be anxious/angry teens and adults if they don't believe the kind words that their parents are telling them (that is what happened to me and it isn't fun). Parents are often shocked when they find out the types of thoughts their own children are having.

The #1 Fact Your Child Needs To Know In Order To Be Happier And More Confident, More Often!

In the years I've spent developing Mind Ninja, I've learnt that the simple solutions I offer are often not obvious to others. I've learned that once children know a range of strategies to manage their emotions, and understand that the negative opinions of other kids don't matter; they are so much happier. I'm not going to tell your child that they are more important than other people or that the world revolves around them...BUT...they do need to know that they are EQUALLY AS GOOD as anyone else in this world. This is the #1 fact!

Don't just take our word for it, read our participants' comments:

Sarah Samuelson

Primary Teacher, Exmouth District High School

"I had been looking for something that would benefit my students to support their emotions in the classroom and playground. My children loved the lessons and activities that are provided in the Mind Ninja course!

I found myself dealing with less upset children and my students over time became happier within themselves. I loved watching the children realise they really are unique and special. Not only has this benefited my students, but it has also given me a common language to use with my students, parents and other teachers. I can't recommend this course highly enough!"

(We have classroom licenses available)

Dr. Gemma Foxall

Adjunct Lecturer, Director, ACT For Autism

"I use the Mind Ninja strategies with my own daughter and recommend the program to my clients. Joelene is one of those teachers who finds a way to connect with each child. Students are drawn to her because she individualises every interaction in a purposeful and positive way. She values every child for who they are, and students seem to sense that.

Joelene has a rare and unique set of skills that enable her to achieve optimum outcomes. Combining these skills with her passion for teaching positive thinking strategies and resiliency skills to produce Life Lessons Global will be an experience I would strongly recommend to any of my clients and friends' children."

Shannon Wright

Principal, Greenfields Primary School

"I attended a Mind Ninja, Professional Development Workshop with several of my staff at UWA in 2018 which subsequently led to us inviting Joelene Lavrick to run her Mind Ninja program at our school. The impact of the program was profound with the strategies easily aligning with our whole school approach towards social and emotional development. Students have been able to use the Mind Ninja techniques regularly at school to improve confidence and resilience. One particular student, who has had a difficult time regulating emotions, described Joelene as one of the most influential people in her life."

(We have classroom licenses available)

Module 1


On completion of Module 1, children will have an unwavering sense of their SELF-WORTH. This is the DRIVING FORCE behind the Mind Ninja Program. They will realise that they are unique. They will know that they are equally 'as good as' anyone else. They will have a new technique for reminding themselves always, even when they are not surrounded by their loved ones.

Module 2

The Thought Catch

Module 2 is the POWER PACK of redirecting unhelpful thoughts so that the mindset can grow, change and improve. Children learn to interrupt negative thoughts in their tracks and discover that you should

N O T    B E L I E V E    E V E R Y T H I N G   Y O U   T H I N K !


Module 3

Focus On Now

Mindfulness plus! What's wrong right now? Nothing. In Module 3, children learn a rock solid technique to stay focused without being distracted by dwelling on past difficulties or future catastrophes.

Module 4


An ACTION PLAN for when things go wrong. Life doesn't always go the way we expect it to, and for children, this can be a huge source of upset. Let's rectify that in Module 4 with a formula for making a positive decision no matter what the circumstance may be.

Module 5


Let's look at language. The words children choose lead to their emotional responses. Module 5 will alleviate the stress caused by having a set language pattern which is unhelpful. If children use phrases such as 'this is so unfair, I can't stand it', 'I will never forgive that person' or 'Everyone hates me' ...this module is the key to change.

Module 6

HYGO Japanese Relaxation Technique

This is a GAME CHANGER. Instead of hitting someone or making a HUGE mistake when ANGRY or UPSET, this technique will provide children with something positive and calming to do whilst they work on acknowledging then shifting their hurt feelings. Once learnt, it can be instantly implemented in any situation.

Module 7

confident body language

Similar to biofeedback, physiology and the way we stand and move significantly affects our emotional state. The opposite of ANXIETY is CONFIDENCE. This module will have children stepping out with a new, powerful spring in that step.

Module 8


A culmination of positive action. EMOTION and MOTION are clearly linked and Module 8 will have children firing on all cylinders ready for the day ahead. 

All video lessons and activities are available on demand at any time 15 minutes after registration.

Here's What's Included In The Mind Ninja Program...

  • 8 Video Tutorial Modules:  Tried and tested strategies which will teach YOUR CHILD exactly what they need to manage themselves, their thoughts and their emotions
  • Assurance: That in your child's future, they will know how to manage difficult situations positively
  • A Fun Program: For ages approximately 6-11, so kids want to do it!
  • ​Increased Emotional Intelligence: ​Your child will learn resilience, self-worth, mind management, emotional fitness, reduced anxiety
  • E-book: Receive our comprehensive parent e-book 
  • ​​Happy Mind Journal For Your Child: 47 page happiness journal to download 
  • Parent Notes: For each module so you can reinforce strategies 
  • Private Facebook Group Access:  This exclusive group will provide parents with extra tips from Joelene 
  • Guided Relaxation Audio Track: Relax your child's mind to get rid of negative thoughts and make way for new super charged positive thoughts and emotions 
  • Unlimited Lifetime Access: (instead of our regular 3 months) Limited time only
  • ​Priceless: life changing results!

Over 70% OFF!
Usually $197 
Today $57AUD! 

(approx $38USD)

imagine what it would be like to...

  • Drop your child at school knowing that they are feeling better than they ever have.
  • Know that your child has an unwavering understanding of their own worth - which has not just been told to them by you (they always seem to believe it more when it comes from a teacher - I'm a parent too so I have experienced this first hand).
  • Know that your child has a solid understanding of what is causing them to become upset and how they can change the direction of their thoughts and emotions.
  • Have your child actually tell you how to deal with challenging situations (this is a common by-product of mind ninja).
  • ​​Watch your child respond to a situation positively, when you know in the past they would have had a total meltdown over the same situation.

The Teacher of the Teachers

Look at what Just a FEW of The Parents Are Saying!

I'd Love You To Read The Feedback Of Some Of The Parents Who Have Completed My Course. I Receive Messages Like This Every Week. It Fills Me With Joy And Keeps Me Going On This Mission With Mind Ninja And Life Lessons Global. 

I Communicate In A Kid-Friendly, Fun And Memorable Way. It Is What I Have Been Doing For My Entire Working Life.

SIGN UP NOW AND GET lifetime access to mind ninja

frequently asked questions

Are there set dates/times or can we do the Mind Ninja program at any time?

Mind Ninja is a self-paced, online course that you can use at any time as long as you have an internet connection.

How do I introduce the Mind Ninja program to my child?

It's best to take your child somewhere fun and tell them that you have found an incredible Mind Ninja course that is going to help them to get whatever they want in life (this is true because once you can manage yourself, you work towards your goals persistently).

What ages is Mind Ninja suitable for?

We officially recommend Mind Ninja for ages approximately 6-11. However, some parents have used Mind Ninja effectively with younger and older children.

Can siblings use the same Mind Ninja program?

Yes, you only need to purchase one Mind Ninja course for siblings to use.

Is there a similar program for teens?

We are currently working on a teen program but it has not been released at this stage.

How long are the modules?

Mind Ninja is designed to be brief so that your child stays engaged. The entire course, including optional activities can be completed in an afternoon (in a couple of hours) or you can complete the course weekly for ten minutes at a time. 

My child is extremely anxious, can Mind Ninja help?

Yes. Mind Ninja has helped thousands of children who experience severe anxiety.

Should my child do Mind Ninja on their own or should I do it with them?

Many children have done Mind Ninja on their own and some families have done it all together. Trust your gut instinct on this. 

Is the online course as good as a face to face workshop?

Yes. The feedback from our online course has been as outstanding as the feedback from our face to face courses. (We are NOT currently offering a face to face option in 2022).

Can we repeat Mind Ninja?

We are offering lifetime access to Mind Ninja at the moment so you can complete and repeat the course as you wish. 

Can Mind Ninja be purchased anywhere in the world in any currency?

Yes. Once the purchase has been made, it will be converted into your home currency. 

Are there any ongoing charges?

No. Mind Ninja is a one-time payment.

Life Lessons Global

Mission Statement

Life Lessons Global has a single mission at the very heart of everything we do: to develop and enhance the emotional fitness of children. While working and training across the childhood (primary) education and psychology fields for over 20 years, one lesson has always remained constant: when children feel good about themselves and respond to others with kindness, they can achieve great things. It is with passion that we empower children, promote their self-esteem and teach them strategies to improve their emotional health and mind management.

Joelene Lavrick

I have a passion for emotional fitness and social skills. I have always wanted children to be kind to each other and to have confidence in themselves. I understand that children make mistakes and, at times, they need to learn how to be kind to others. I am patient with kids and I believe we must show unconditional respect and forgiveness. Joelene Lavrick, B.A (Psychology), GradDipEd (Primary) Founder, Life Lessons Global.